10:00 PM
Switched over to new renderer and collision underpinnings relying on Rabbyt and C based libraries. Can now maintain FPSes in the 60's in excess of 2500 entities, only dropping into the 50's and below when you exceed 3000 / 3500 entities. Experimenting with Wrap and Lerp to further optimize movement updates and possibly raise max workable object count. Created an interface for a layered scrolling background, i.e., center, "furthest" layer scrolls slowest, a layer on top of it, "treetops", or something, decorations along the sides, scrolls faster, etc etc; as is commonly utilized in famous bullet hell shooters. Started coming up with some sane declarative statements to be used in the files the parser will examine; i.e. "wait 5 s; spawn 3 of enemy5 evenly spaced from middle to right side". Having this sort of capability will make levels trivial to design without training. Refactored a bunch of code to make things more modular and localized to the area specific to their function, and made the entire engine have more "knobs" that can be set in config files.


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